12 SMS/TextingStatistics For The Modern SDR
Below is a collection of statistics from various studies that add evidence to SMS/Texting as a viable and consistent outreach tactic:
Across markets, mobile’s use is becoming more commonplace. 52% of business leaders in North America said it’s already a major disruption in their industry ³
The use of text messages at work has increased 62% since 2014 ¹
61% of people recommend contacting them by text message at work ¹
95% of texts from businesses are read within 3 minutes of being sent ¹
People will definitely see what you send them — SMS open rates are as high as 98% ³
The average response time for a text message is only 90 seconds ²
Stats show that 73% of businesses expect their SMS marketing budgets to increase in the next year ³
Despite statistics on mobile’s rise, 65% of brands still don’t have a formal strategy in place for bulk SMS messaging to take advantage of the amount of time we spend on our phones ³
85% of customers prefer receiving text messages over a phone call or email. ³
More people send text messages than own personal computers or landline telephones ³
67% of people would rather text with a business about appointments and scheduling than by email or phone ²
29% of businesses believe SMS campaigns sent between 9 a.m. and noon or noon and 3 p.m. are the most effective. ²
(https://resources.insidesales.com/texting-in-sales/ ¹)(https://learn.g2.com/sms-marketing-statistics ²)(https://www.slicktext.com/blog/2018/11/44-mind-blowing-sms-marketing-and-texting-statistics/ ³)
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