How Recruiting Trigger Data is Fueling Staffing Industries

Aug 15, 2017 | Big Data, Blog

How Recruiting Trigger Data is Fueling Staffing Industries
As a recruiter in a large company, you already know the challenges in finding the perfect candidates to hire in each department. Perhaps you’ve gone through a lot of turnovers over the last few years simply because you didn’t do well enough in vetting the candidates you interviewed. If you’re still doing this, it’s time to start using intelligence data in your company. To find and fill positions, trigger data does more than just find information on potential employee leads. It can help you mine data when you need to receive funding or when releasing an IPO.

Finding Fresh Contacts for Hiring

Using trigger data for contacts helps you weed out those you know aren’t the best candidates for hiring, or for any other partnership. Being able to gather this data automatically through a platform can save you days of having to find these prospects on your own.

What’s most important is finding a data platform that easily integrates with a CRM so you have easy ways to communicate with candidates. When you add trigger events to your data, you’ll find out whether a potential employee you’ve wanted to hire is available or not.

How many times have you had certain people in mind to fill a position, only to find out they already work for someone else? Real-time trigger data lets you know when these people become available so you can entice them to work for you.

Using Data to Find Funding

Part of your job as a recruiter is perhaps finding companies or people who can provide funding for your business. Trigger data lets you know when companies or individuals have funds available at key times.

In a more competitive business world, you don’t want to miss out on receiving funding from a prospect only because you missed out on alerts.

To create lasting relationships and move ahead of competitors, you need detailed real-time data.

Trigger Data When Releasing an IPO

When you need to find individuals or companies to invest in your new IPO, trigger data works the same way. You’ll want this data to become as thorough as possible, including gathering everything from geographic segment reports to executive biographies.

All of this information and more can paint a more rounded picture about which prospects are worth your efforts and which ones become a waste of time to pursue.

At Lead411, we provide up-to-date trigger data platform that digs deep to help your recruiting staff find valuable connections that can last a lifetime.

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