by Jeremy Unruh | Nov 30, 2016 | Blog, Sales and Marketing
In the B2B world, it’s easy to assume that every lead you go after is going to think alike. It’s risky to make assumptions the B2B industry is overly uniform and businesses automatically gravitate to products like yours. In truth, every business customer... by Jeremy Unruh | Nov 16, 2016 | Blog, Sales and Marketing
While the holiday season is boom or bust for retailers, B2B email marketing requires some extra thought ensuring that the season remains strong and leads do not cool while customers focus their efforts elsewhere. Steve Denner wraps up a few tips in his article... by Jeremy Unruh | Nov 15, 2016 | Blog, Sales and Marketing
Calling various prospects on the phone can be intimidating. The sales pitch needs to go out the window because it’s ineffective. Research has shown that knowing more about the person you’re calling makes all the difference in the world. Customize the Call... by Jeremy Unruh | Nov 7, 2016 | Blog, Sales and Marketing
Your email list is growing, your content is on point, but wait…your delivery percentage is dismally low! How are your going to turn these emails into sales if you can’t reach your customers? These 8 tips to improve your outbound email deliverability will... by Jeremy Unruh | Oct 21, 2016 | Blog, Sales and Marketing
The term “sales approach” has evolved with the changing needs of society. As a result, the way that a salesperson goes about the entire process needs to be revisited. The following 3 tactics will impart some fresh insight on the practiced art of selling,... by Jeremy Unruh | Oct 21, 2016 | Big Data, Blog, Sales and Marketing
Though many modern marketers and business executives have heard of and understand terms like data analysis, big data, data mining, predictive analytics, and the like; there are still many professionals that have heard the terms, yet don’t understand them. However,...